Imagine a spellbinding wedding or event in the magical world of Harry Potter. Step through the hidden doorway into the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at the Crystal Ballroom, where the fairy tales from your imagination become the magical events of your lifetime.
Choose your House of Magic
Let our professional designers and planners take you inside the castle walls to a place of charms and spells to the Harry Potter wedding or event of your dreams. No need to let any magical hat choose your house of magic. At the Crystal Ballroom, you hold the power to choose from the Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff.
Godric Gryffindor
Bring your courage, bravery, nerve and chivalry inside the house of Godric Gryffindor, where your mascot is the lion and your colors are scarlet and gold. The interior is transformed with every magical detail, from the color coordinated linens and sheers to the chair sashes and centerpieces. Look out for the house ghost, Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, and don’t forget your password for entry to this magical event.
If you choose the Hufflepuff, you value hard work, patience, justice, and loyalty. Your mascot is the badger, your colors are canary yellow and black, and your element is Earth. Make your way through the concealed entrance found in a pile of barrels in an alcove in the corridor, and be prepared to be spellbound by your magical moment that awaits you. Tap the barrel two from the bottom in the middle of the second row in the rhythm of Helga Hufflepuff to enter. Envision barrel top inspired decor, and yellow and black chair sashes to add to the ambiance of this Hogwarts house.

Imagine an event at the Ravenclaw house, where values, intelligence, creativity, learning, and wit are required. Your Mascot is the eagle, your colors are blue and bronze, and your element is air. Travel into the West side of Hogwarts, and maybe you might meet with the house ghost, the Grey Lady. Envision blue lighting and canopy sheers to produce the illusion of a domed ceiling with stars. Be prepared to solve a riddle, and enter into this magical Harry Potter themed wedding or event.
Choose the Slytherin house and bring your ambition, cunning leadership, and resourcefulness. Your mascot is the serpent, your colors are green and silver, and your element is water. Travel beneath the Hogwarts Lake and speak the password to a patch of bare stone wall to enter the dungeon-styled room. The Bloody Baron might make an appearance here. Green lamps and a greenish glow will illuminate your way.

Magical Harry Potter Wedding
Our designers are ready to bring your magical Harry Potter wedding or event into fruition. The magic will come to life in a Harry Potter themed event with every magical centerpiece, every colored and textured scheme to match the vision, directional lighting to illuminate and highlight every angle perfectly, and with a table set for your gathering of Hogwarts’ students to enjoy a feast. Enter the Crystal Ballroom to the event created in your heart, envisioned in your imagination, and produced by the Crystal Ballroom for a memory that will last a happily ever after.
Choose your Hogwarts’ house carefully and let the Crystal Ballroom create your magical Harry Potter inspired event!
Ideas and Tips
Be creative with invitations that match the theme. All of your students (guests) must receive the Hogwarts’ acceptance letter, the Hogwarts Express ticket, or the Marauder Map.
A Pinch of Romance
“Always” is one of the most romantic quotes in the history of English literature. You can play around the quote while writing your wedding vows and make the entire audience go ‘awww’ with your words.
Butterbeer is the most-loved drink in Harry Potter land, so make sure to add it to your beverage list!